
Provides a class for defining custom template utility libraries.

class knights.library.Library
tags = {}

A dict of template tag handler functions

helpers = {}

A dict of helpers to be added to the template modules global scope.

Custom tags

To define a custom tag or helper, you first need a library.

from knights.library import Library

register = Library()

You must call the instance regsiser as the Parser will only look for that name, currently.

Next, you can register helpers as follows:

def addone(value):
    return value + 1

If the name you want to use is reserved or a builtin, you can pass it to the decorator:

def addone(value):
    return value + 1

Custom tag handlers are more complex, as they require you to construct AST. Howerver, they are just as simple to register.

def mytag(parser, token):

Tags are parsed the parser, and the rest of the token text after their name was split from the front.